Austin Founder Lions Club
WHEN: Thursday September 26, 2024 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM WHERE: Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired1100 W 45th Street, Building 605, Austin TX 78756
and via Zoom (see below)
Lion Jeff Kunkel District Governor, MD2-S3, 2024-2025 Introduced by Lion Ken Crone
A hearty welcome from our new International President, Lion Fabricio Oliveria from Brazil and his them for the year. I will also discuss how this ties in with my theme and ideas we will be sharing and implementing over the coming year to help improve and strengthen our clubs and district for the betterment of Lions and service throughout our communities and the world.
About our Speaker:
Lion Jeff Kunkel is a 3rd generation Lion who has been a member of the New Braunfels Evening Lions Club for over 24 years. He has served in multiple capacities in his club and district including President, Vice President, Treasurer, Service project Chairperson, District Transplant Awareness Chairperson, and Zone Chair. He is a recipient of The Melvin Jones Fellowship, Jack Wiech Fellowship, and Lion of the year as well as a life member of the Texas Lions Camp, Texas Eyeglass Recycling Center, Texas Lions Museum, and the Texas Lions Foundation. He has lived in New Braunfels with his wife, Lion Terri, for over 50 years and has two adult children. In addition to Lionism, he is a volunteer in the Wurstfest Association, Comal County A&M Club and donates his time and energy to volunteering as Santa Claus to non-profits and other local civic organizations. He is a proud Lion of District 2-S3 and is honored to serve as your district governor for the 24-25 Lions year.
Lunch is available for $14.00 Please register so we know how much to order.
All sandwiches come with lettuce and tomato. Mustard and mayo on the side.
If you wish to attend the meeting remotely, you must be signed into a Zoom account. If you don't already have a Zoom account, go to and sign up for a free account. The Zoom link to this meeting is in the email invitation.
How to Attend this meeting via Zoom using your computer:
On your emailed reminder to this meeting, click the link to automatically join the meeting. (If you haven't used Zoom before, it will download and install the necessary software.)Click the button "Open Zoom Meeting". Follow the prompts to join the meeting (you do not need a camera to attend)
How to Attend this meeting via Zoom using your smartphone:
If you haven't already, using your smartphone, go to the Apple AppStore or Google Play and download the Zoom app. On your emailed reminder to this meeting, click the link to automatically join the meeting. Follow the prompts to join the meeting (you do not need to connect the camera to attend). If it asks, tap on Call using Internet Audio.
We order meals based on your reservations and must pay for them even if you do not show up. If you need to change or cancel your reservation, please call 512-441-1555.
Drive slowly on Campus! Remember that the speed limit at TSBVI is 10 mph.
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