Lions Donate $2500 to 5 Area Schools

On April 28, the Austin Founder Lions Club met at the headquarters of the Austin Independent School District and presented 5 checks of $500 each to the principals of 6 public schools. These were schools that are named after Lions Club members. The schools are: Boone Elementary School, named after Lion George Boone; Cowan Elementary School, named after Lion Dennis E. Cowan; Kocurek Elementary School, named after Lion Willie I. Kocurek; Pickle Elementary School, named after Lion J.J. "Jake" Pickle; Widen Elementary School, named after Lion Carl T. Widen; and Gus Garcia Young Men's Leadership Academy, named after Lion Gustavo L. "Gus" Garcia. The principals of each school told us how they planned to use the money for their school and students. After the presentation of the checks, we heard comments from AISD Superintendent and fellow Lion Stephanie S. Elizalde.